October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, raising awareness about the impact of breast cancer. Many women have put off breast cancer screenings during the pandemic. A recent study estimated there will be an additional 5,000 breast cancer deaths during the next decade due to skipped screening exams. Get back on track! Early detection is key in succesful outcomes in the treatment of breast cancer.
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists – ACOG provides helpful tips on talking with your doctor:
• If you are aged 40 years or older, you can start the conversation with these questions:
What are my chances of having breast cancer?
When should I start getting regular mammograms?
How often should I get them?
• You can ask more specific questions based on your age. If you are aged 40–49 years:
What are the pros and cons of getting mammograms before I turn 50?
• If you are aged 50–75 years:
What are the pros and cons of getting mammograms every 2 years instead of every year?
• If you are older than 75 years:
Do I need to keep having mammograms?
You and your ob-gyn or other health care professional should share information, talk about your wishes, and agree on when and how often you will have breast screening.